Ashley Heilprin

 Ashley Heilprin President 2017-18

As we reflect upon all the events and programming we’ve had this year, it is a true testament to the amazing leadership of our President Ashley Heilprin. Many members have shared their praise for the variety of new things Martinet has been able to do this year and these have been the product of the vision and goals Ashley established at the strategic planning session before the beginning of the Martinet year. We would like to take this opportunity of recognizing her as our member of the month to say thank you. Thank you for your service, your time, and your commitment to making this chapter something we are all proud to be a part of.

As a leader, Ashley takes the time to individually encourage, support, and push the members of her executive team as well as the general members of Martinet. She shares resources and programs that can benefit all of us in our development as advocates, litigators, and leaders. Ashley does not do things for recognition; she does them to have an impact. She has, however, been recently recognized by the National Bar Association (NBA) as one of the country’s top 40 Under 40 best advocates and an award-recipient of the NBA Women Lawyers Division.

Ashley’s natural ability to inspire and motivate those around her is a key element for growing our chapter into one Louis A. Martinet would be proud of himself. The amount of work Ashley has done for Martinet makes one wonder how she is simultaneously able to be a rising star as an Associate at Phelps Dunbar, an active member of the American Bar Association, the Louisiana State Bar Association, an ACLU board member, a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and many other positions of service. From all of us, Ashley, we say thank you for all that you have done and will continue to do for the betterment of our community.