About Us

The Greater New Orleans Louis A. Martinet Legal Society, Inc.

The Greater New Orleans Louis A. Martinet Legal Society, Inc. was established to encourage interchange of ideas, promote legal scholarship, advance the science of jurisprudence, promote the administration of justice, uphold the order and ethics of the courts and the profession of law and promote the welfare of the legal profession in Louisiana in keeping with the vision of Earl J. Amedee; Israel M. Augustine; Louis Berry; Lionel Collins; Robert F. Collins; Nils R. Douglas; Norman C. Francis; Benjamin J. Johnson; Alvin Jones; Vanue B. LaCour; Ernest N. Morial; Justice Revius Ortique, Jr.; J. T. Powell; James Smith; A. P. Tureaud; Freddie Warren and Lawrence Wheeler, all of whom had the courage and foresight to found the Louis A. Martinet Legal Society of Louisiana, the precursor to this organization.